Perfect Holiday Destination Development Part 5: Building Development

I spent a couple days ironing out the exact designs I wanted for the buildings, whilst also looking at the scene to think of any other objects or changes I could add. I liked the idea of having balconies on the buildings on both sides, possibly with wires connected from the neon signs to specific points of the buildings or between other signs. Creating wiring was easy enough, utilising the extruding curve methods I had previously used to create more thin neon signs. As well as creating balconies and wires, I actually tightened the overall space of the scene, making the road thinner and the buildings closer. I think this gives the scene a more city-like vibe in line with the cyberpunk and asian designs I am basing my project on.

In my time working on the project, I have also appreciated the use of the ‘Create Polygon’ tool to help in the creation of certain elements of the scene. While modeling things from hand can be more efficient at times, the tool has heavily helped when it came to the creation of some of my signs. I have a newfound respect for how beneficial concept art can be when it comes to 3D modeling when partnered up with the ‘Create Polygon’ tool sometimes.

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