Miscellaneous: Weapon/Armor modelling in my free time

In my free time, I’ve been having fun modeling some random weapon ideas. Some came from my own head, while others came from people on Reddit whom I offered to model their designs.

A big inspiration for me is a 3D animated show called RWBY, which I really enjoy watching to this day and is known for having some very interesting weapon designs. Inspired by that, I took a swing at it myself. Doing it was tons of fun throughout the entire experience, and I’m learning a lot of different Maya techniques with each model I make.

I was even able to mod one of them into a VR game and mess around with it after some tutorial following.

An elemental based shoulder plate/pauldron
Whisper – a one handed sword
Flux – a weapon I myself designed and modelled
Calivern – a transforming sword/gun hybrid

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