Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 5: Conclusion

I’m writing this part IN the actual unit presentation, having cut things very close overall.

This was honestly a fun project to work on. I believe my core gameplay loop is there, and with more time, I think this could be a really fun game, and if its not fun, why bother?

All the issues that arose simply came about from me trying to learn too many brand new systems at the same time. Trying to learn the functions of TextMeshPro, flocking systems, hinge joints, and more all at once was far too tricky for me as a beginner coder.

I am very thankful for the help I got from my peers, and the lecturers (especially Sokol’s 1 to 1 sessions). With their help, I was able to learn a lot of useful techniques of troubleshooting code, such as shifting elements to already functioning areas to discern whether the overall function is not working, or its the specific code lines. I think that even not being able to finish all my elements, I learned a lot regarding coding, and there are definitely some elements of this project I can see myself using in other works down the line.

So yeah, I enjoyed working on this a lot, and even outside of this module, I will probably keep trying to improve it in my free time into something even better.

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