Mapping Virtual Practices – Antoine Marc Lecture

Antoine Marc, a choreographer, producer, and director (, was another one of the guests we had during our Mapping VR Practices lectures. He talked about his work of combining performing arts and technology to create experiences. Antoine specializes in Media and New Technologies and has worked as a consultant on multiple stages of films, live shows, and award-winning concepts to apply his technology techniques to them.

I will be honest, I wasn’t quite sure how relevant this lecture was to our studies into the realms of virtual reality outside of the conceptual ideas Antoine had that we could impart towards our own work. His most recent pieces focus on trying to combine technology and dance into one performance, which he stated began simply from his own curiosity about new emerging tech.

The idea of developing something out of sheer curiosity is the only real thing I took from this lecture, having done the same myself with the development of my Hybrid Hands project. I will admit that perhaps I missed the key point of this specific guest lecture, but even after a rewatch of the discussion, I could not take anything else of value from it, unfortunately.

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