Contextual & Theoretical Studies – 360 Gaze

This was a 30-minute exercise where we were tasked with creating a never-ending VR story based on this picture:

• This man above is the main character
• He is a scholar, one alone after being banished from his home
• He comes to this rocky cliff every day to climb up to the peak
• It is a magical mountain, one that stretches and changes every day
VR element of climbing up the cliffside, each time the trek up becoming more random and dangerous
In the beginning of each day, player can pack supplies to aid them on the climb. (climbing ropes to set checkpoints, food to recover energy, etc)
• Once at the top, out from the clouds, emerges a dragon, one that has lived for thousands of years. The dragon is the one who changes the mountain and has lived secluded after living many lifetimes.
Each day, the scholar may ask him one question of his choosing (player given option of choosing different questions) and the dragon may ask one of the scholar (player can answer back accordingly)
• Occasionally, the dragon may test the scholar’s knowledge, to make sure they have been paying attention to their talks. (player is tested on the knowledge the dragon has given. If they answer correctly, the dragon is happy, if incorrect, he may become upset)
• Depending on how the dragon feels, certain actions/scenarios may take place,
• After that, the dragon will fly the scholar back to the base of the mountain.
• This experience repeats, with the dragon testing the scholar’s mind and body each time.
• Each day, both learn more about one another. The scholar learns of the past, whilst the dragon learns of the present world.
• In time, perhaps they may both become friends.

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