Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 4: Distracting Distractions

So in hindsight, some of the systems I had ideas for regarding distractions proved a lot more complex than I first imagined. I am 100% a fledgling coder, and half the time I don’t even understand the code I am writing, so I did my best to create the distractions I could.

One that I got fully working was the vibrating phone. I had the object situated right next to the player, and created a script using elements of one Sokol taught us during one of his classes. The phone was given a randomized timer, and whenever it reached zero, it would begin to emit an audio source(which I later turned ambisonic) and change it texture to show on the screen that someone was calling.

From there, the player would need to pick it up, and hit the trigger to silence it, with its continued presence increasing the global timescale to make the concentration go away faster.

The next, and much more challenging distraction, was the flies.

In conclusion, I was unable to make it work on time.

Initially, I was hoping to get it working by creating my own flocking system for the fly, allowing it to move in a random pattern around the player so then they could swat it out of the air.

I did try implementing this for a time, despite it being very complicated for me. However, all of that was lost when I got a critical error and my computer was made unresponsive.

After a restart, I had lost all the progress I had made towards it, and given how difficult it had been to code to begin with, I decided to scrap it for time. Currently, the flies are emitted through the use of a particle system, the particles being swattable. I tried to code a system to close off the particle system after a certain amount of particles were killed, and then respawning it at a different position, but was unable to get it working. I did however get the ambisonic sounds working, and it may be working TOO well as the sound of flies buzzing in one ear is actually distracting in game.

Finally, was the temperature system.

I was able with minimal complications to get the window in my scene openable, using an XR Grab Interactor, and a hinge joint.

The system is rather finicky, glitching out due to collisions rather often. Beyond that, I wasn’t able to find much regarding coding with the use of hinge joints, so the thermometer idea itself was eventually scrapped.

I kept the window function in however, as I thought it was a nice immersive touch, even without the distraction feature.

So yes, overall, I was only able to get one of my three distractions working properly. However, as said, I was very happy with how the phone functions as a distraction method, and with more time and experience coding, I believe I could have gotten the other two functions working properly.

Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 4: Making a Keyboard

This video was a big help when it came to creating my functional keyboard.

Initially, I was able to find some documentation that instructed how to create a working VR keyboard using hinge joints in each key, however this method proved time consuming and heavily buggy in its execution. In its place, I was able to follow the instructions on this video, linking up the keys to the display on the monitor. Now whenever a key is pressed, it adds text to the canvas on the screen, simulating writing on it.

Now with a functioning computer setup, I linked up the score system next to it, and created the concentration bar UI element above the PC itself to allow the player to keep track of the time they had left.

Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 3: Creating the Room

I spent a bit of time doing a combination of 3D modeling my own assets, as well as looking for useable ones of the Unity Asset Store. After a bit of time, I had my base room/play area created.

In hindsight, its a very spacious room, and could have probably been slimmed down to try for a more cozy aesthetic. Using URP, I got the light of the scene looking a lot better, and had plenty of useable objects to base some of the game around.

Above is one of the most helpful free assets I was able to find: a functioning computer screen with an editable text canvas to view text on the screen. This saved a lot of time as I was able to use this as a primary component for the writing system the game was based around.

I created a few useable items myself as well however, such as the phone, a fly swatter, the desk, and a few other items. Amongst all of this, I also set up the XR rig for the player, giving them stylistic block arms for their representation.

Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 2: Setup

With the rather lengthy process of coming up with an idea now over, I began planning the elements of my game.

The primary scoring system would be based on how much you can write. In front of the player there would be a functional computer I would need to code, and with each button press on a keyboard, the screen would fill with text and the score would rise.

The gameplay aspect would come from the concentration system. As you type away, a bar at the top of your screen acts as your health, slowly being eaten away as you play. The ‘distractions’ that could occur around you would cause this gauge to be eaten away faster unless they are dealt with. Finally, if the player was able to reach certain score goals before they ran out of concentration, the bar would reset, and the gap to the next reset would become larger.

This would be the key gameplay loop, where you would need to balance typing on the keyboard, dealing with distractions, and hoping you were fast enough to make it to the next concentration boost.

I had 3 main distractions in mind the begin:

• Flies buzzing around the player and bugging them until they are swatted away

• A phone going off which you would need to turn off

• The room getting too hot or too cold which was affected by the use of a nearby window

With the ideas for mechanics out of the way, I began thinking about the environment for the game to be in, deciding the base it in a dorm room, taking inspiration from ‘lofi’ artistical choices.

I collected all my ideas and references together in a padlet, which can be found here:

Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block – Part 1: Idea Creation

Initially, when I was told the brief for this project was to “design a game about a serious issue”, I honestly had zero idea where to start. In theory, any idea could be made serious if presented in a certain way/context. Thankfully, after voicing my concerns, we were given a bit more prompt and instructed to possibly try basing a game off issues we have personal experiences with.

I’m thankful to not have been born with many lasting issues, the largest being my eyesight which was recently corrected with surgery, so even with the updated prompt, it took me time to concoct an idea. In the end, I based my game off of one of my larger ongoing hobbies: writing.

I do a lot of writing in my spare time, having amassed a following that I am very proud of online, and one of the main issues I have writing is to do with the concept of ‘writers block’.

It’s a rather broad term, and can apply to many different concepts for many different people. To me, it is the ongoing irritant of being unable to concentrate on my writing due to present distractions in my environment. Even small things like the room being too hot, getting distracted by phone messages, and many more things can throw me off my writing far easier than I’d like to admit.

And so, with an idea of the ‘issue’ I would be looking into, I began planning for my game, eventually naming it – Focus!

Miscellaneous: Weapon/Armor modelling in my free time

In my free time, I’ve been having fun modeling some random weapon ideas. Some came from my own head, while others came from people on Reddit whom I offered to model their designs.

A big inspiration for me is a 3D animated show called RWBY, which I really enjoy watching to this day and is known for having some very interesting weapon designs. Inspired by that, I took a swing at it myself. Doing it was tons of fun throughout the entire experience, and I’m learning a lot of different Maya techniques with each model I make.

I was even able to mod one of them into a VR game and mess around with it after some tutorial following.

An elemental based shoulder plate/pauldron
Whisper – a one handed sword
Flux – a weapon I myself designed and modelled
Calivern – a transforming sword/gun hybrid

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 3: Writing

As far as noting my credible skills, I would go as far to say that I consider myself a good writer, with it being a big hobby I like to enjoy in my spare time. However, obviously essay writing is a lot different to hobby writing, with it needing to be a lot more serious and correctly structured with citations and such.

Thanks in part to some support from my fellow classmates, as well as my significant other, the writing process itself wasn’t too hard once I got into the swing of things. The citation system used took me some time to figure out, but I believe I got there in the end.

Overall, I think I was able to create an informative and well structured essay, combining my own personal views with the sources I provided, and linking them altogether to some of the key topics we discussed during our class lectures.

Fingers crossed I pass!

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 2: Research

To begin with, I already had some prior knowledge on what trends certain VR companies were looking to adapt in the future. I enjoy keeping up with VR news outlets, and already knew about topics such as Valve’s interest in development of BCI’s (brain computer interfaces).

Beyond my own knowledge, I looked up a lot more articles on what certain companies like Oculus were interested in developing in the future for VR. Based on the articles I found, my own personal ideas of future trends I wished to address, and links to the subject matters discussed in our lectures, I was able to create a plan of the topics I would discuss in the essay. From there, I separated the topics into trends regarding software developments in VR, and trends regarding hardware developments.

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 1: Topic choice

So as far as my experience writing proper essay papers, this will be my first time ever trying it. As such, I wanted to pick a topic I have a personal interest in to incentivize me to put as much effort into this essay as I could. Beyond that, I needed a topic I could have plenty to speak about, maybe even one I knew subjects on already.

After the lecture on essay frameworks, and Annie providing some example ideas on questions, I was able to adapt one for the topic of my essay:

What are the trends of VR in the next 10 years? Why?

Perfect Holiday Destination Development Part 6: UV Textures, Final Touches, and Rendering

Having some prior knowledge on the process of rendering out an animation, I knew that due to all the lighting in my scene, my render would take some time. Therefore I bunkered down and make sure my project was done at least 2 days in advance, giving me the last two days to render out whatever camera animations I wanted.

UV mapping the buildings didn’t take too long, with me finding some images of night time office windows and using those as the template for most of the window textures in my scene. I also wanted to try and fill up the barren ground level, given I had devoted most of my time to modelling the buildings and neon signs. Going back to my padlet, I decided to include a vehicle, a few advertisement signs, as well as some trash cans. In hindsight, I would have liked to have added more to the ground level to make it more filled, but my scene was already taking very long to render due to all the lighting elements.

I experimented with a few different methods when it came to animating the camera moving, and eventually settled on two separate animations. One at a high level to show off the lighting, cables, and buildings, and another animation and ground level to show off the rest of the elements of the scene. Just got to render out the ground animation and I’ll be all finished.

My First Rendered Animation. This is the high level one which shows off the buildings, lighting, and neon signs.
Ground level showing off more of the scene. Had a few issues I couldn’t resolve in time with this render, mainly to do with the red neon lighting not appearing in the right place for the sign on the right.

Overall, I really enjoyed this project. It allowed me to get used to using Maya, whilst also creating things based on my own passions and enjoyments in life. I’m really happy with how my scene turned out and I think I am a lot more knowledgeable on how to use Maya…especially when lights are involved! (note: my project ended up having over 150 separate light sources 0_0)