Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 3: Writing

As far as noting my credible skills, I would go as far to say that I consider myself a good writer, with it being a big hobby I like to enjoy in my spare time. However, obviously essay writing is a lot different to hobby writing, with it needing to be a lot more serious and correctly structured with citations and such.

Thanks in part to some support from my fellow classmates, as well as my significant other, the writing process itself wasn’t too hard once I got into the swing of things. The citation system used took me some time to figure out, but I believe I got there in the end.

Overall, I think I was able to create an informative and well structured essay, combining my own personal views with the sources I provided, and linking them altogether to some of the key topics we discussed during our class lectures.

Fingers crossed I pass!

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 2: Research

To begin with, I already had some prior knowledge on what trends certain VR companies were looking to adapt in the future. I enjoy keeping up with VR news outlets, and already knew about topics such as Valve’s interest in development of BCI’s (brain computer interfaces).

Beyond my own knowledge, I looked up a lot more articles on what certain companies like Oculus were interested in developing in the future for VR. Based on the articles I found, my own personal ideas of future trends I wished to address, and links to the subject matters discussed in our lectures, I was able to create a plan of the topics I would discuss in the essay. From there, I separated the topics into trends regarding software developments in VR, and trends regarding hardware developments.

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Essay Part 1: Topic choice

So as far as my experience writing proper essay papers, this will be my first time ever trying it. As such, I wanted to pick a topic I have a personal interest in to incentivize me to put as much effort into this essay as I could. Beyond that, I needed a topic I could have plenty to speak about, maybe even one I knew subjects on already.

After the lecture on essay frameworks, and Annie providing some example ideas on questions, I was able to adapt one for the topic of my essay:

What are the trends of VR in the next 10 years? Why?